Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Media Ecology

Media Ecology looks at the ways in which society has been affected by technology. There are of course both pros and cons. Technology has made it easier to communicate over long distances, share photos, stories and random thoughts at the click of the mouse. We can now talk to anyone virtually anywhere at anytime day or night and the technology has been made very user friendly so even the youngest children can use much of it. This technology can be good at connecting us across long distances, but it also draws people apart when they are right next to each other. Many times when I have gone out to eat I have witnessed and even experienced with my own friends, occasions when people are texting or using Facebook while at dinner with someone else. It seems odd to me that a device can become such as a smart phone can become such a distraction that almost seems socially acceptable. I think that media ecology is important because it helps us look at technology in a critical light, but I think that it is only good if we actually make changes with the results of our analyzing. A good place to start would be for everyone to put away their phones at the dinner table and give your company your attention...just a thought.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Muted Group Theory

At times it seems odd that a divide still exists between the equality of women and men in today's world. Many women have proven that they can be just as successful as a man in many careers, including in the business world. Yet, there are still men who believe that women deserve less pay for the same positions. As well, there are still men who believe women are overall less superior and are more or less merely objects for their own personal pleasure and use. In my mind, it is this objectification of women that is the leading cause of the continuation of the inequality that women face. 
Each day I witness this degradation of women almost everywhere I go. As I drive around town I often come across images of scandalously dressed women next to beer bottles, cars and many other products being advertised. There are streets, such as Federal, that are lined with strip clubs and adult bookstores. The signs often proclaim statements such as "gentleman's club." If this is what a gentlemen does than I want no part in it. These signs exemplify the horrendous way that the culture treats women. Women are literally exposed, used and thrown away on a daily basis by the "gentleman" of our society. 
I realize that this is not the case with every man in society and that there are those people who daily fight against it, but it still remains a wide spread problem that should not exist. I also realize that there are many factors that contribute to this problem. For example, there are women who willing take part in institutions such as strip clubs and pornography because they see no other way to make money to provide for their families. Some of the women may have been abused and are no longer able to see their self-worth. There are numerous other possibilities as well, but suffice it to say that they are far from happily employed and it is unlikely that they really feel as though they are living a "free choice." 
Having read and watched interviews, I know that there are women who would deny what I have said and would attempt to persuade the world that they are happily doing what they do. I am not convinced by such stories and it saddens me that such women cannot admit the truth about the pain and emptiness they undoubtedly feel inside. The use of denial is their attempt to cover the many wounds of their lives in order to convince themselves that they are in control of their lives and bodies. Many people may read this and be infuriated because "who am I as a man to make such claims." If this happens to be your response, then I invite you to think about how you would feel if your daughter, sister, mother etc. decided it was the "career" path for them. I know I do not want any woman I know to be used as some strange mans object for his selfish sexual pleasure.
Unfortunately, another problem that contributes to this treatment of women are the numerous men in the world who struggle with sexual addictions. Many of these men agree with what I write, and yet they cannot seem to stop themselves from using women for the same selfish self gratifying purposes. 
Outside of the most obvious industries we find the advertising and entertainment world. As earlier mentioned, the over sexualization of women in advertising is rampant in our society. It seems as though the only thing that can sell many products is a half naked woman. In movies and television shows, women are often portrayed in similar ways as over sexualized beings who long to pleasure men. Even when a woman is shown to have dignity by turning down some creepy or overtly sexual guy, she often ends up sleeping with "the man of her dreams" in a later scene. She may have not slept with just anyone, but in the end she was still willing to jump in bed with someone as long as he is attractive. 
My point in all of this is not to demonize all entertainment and advertising, nor is it to say that we should do away with all things of the "flesh" and go back to a puritanical view of the body and women's sexuality. It is not necessary for women to wear dresses down to their ankles, but it also does no good to do the exact opposite and wear practically nothing. I also do not intended to be over zealous with the statements I have made. Rather, I am attempting to point to the great injustice that is being allowed daily against women. This injustice is not just being inflicted by men, but also by the women who do not demand that the men in their own lives treat them with respect and dignity. There are other factors, such as money and greed that contribute to the objectification of women, but I truly believe that the greatest reason women are still not equals in this world is because we, as men and women, allow for women to be continually portrayed and used as mere sexual objects. It is time for men and women alike to say no to the dehumanizing objectification of women. 

Media Ecology

     What makes today different than June 16, 1900?  If anything, the method of communication changed.  Through Marshall McLuhan's theory, Media Ecology, he examines back to the tribal age how communication has transformed over time.  He looks into depth about how different senses are used to be able to communicate with one another.  Although there are four ages in this theory, I am going to focus on the electronic age: today.  Oddly enough, McLuhan predicted this age and its components accurately 33 years before it even was in existence.  He saw this era of instant communication as switching the importance of what you think to what you feel.  The digital age is also included in this electronic period because it involves electronic media yet it is uncertain if it could be separated into the fifth age since McLuhan is not alive anymore.  This age is definitely different than the rest because much can be done with a finger touch.
     McLuhan predicted this age accurately, scary enough, yet what would he think of it?  He never really stated his feelings on today's global form of communication.  In my opinion, I tend to find more cons than pros to this especially among the 2000s generation.  As a child, I would play outside from dawn until dusk.  My younger cousins on the other hand play with their phones or iPads or computers from dawn until dusk.  I find it pretty devastating to be honest.  Their mindsets are a lot more different than us as well.  Thankfully, when we have family gatherings and parties, I can keep them preoccupied with games, but what about the other kids of this generation.  I believe they are the most negatively impacted from this technological era although they do not even realize it.  The video below on the other hand brings a positive aspect toward this technological impact.  Yes, I agree it has many benefits, but it becomes our duty to show this generation how to use it responsibly.  I have a feeling McLuhan would agree.  Enjoy the video.

Expectancy Violations Theory

     Jackass. Bad Grandpa. Impractical Jokers. What do they all have in common? Each of these shows or movies focus on violating social norms.  Although some of the stuff they do can be perceived as plain stupid, they entertain the audience.  It makes us question what about violating social norms is so fascinating.  Perhaps us watching are not doing it ourselves.  We are not the ones feeling embarrassed.  Believe it or not, what they are doing and the audience reactions form communication.  This is known as the Expectancy Violations Theory of Judee Burgoon.

     The Expectancy Violations Theory examines different boundaries within communication.  The conversational distances include the intimate, personal, social, and public zone.  Each of the distances are studied by Burgoon to determine how people use the space; this is called proxemics.  Then, this begs the question what happens if one of these zones are violated.  Depending on the context of the situation, it can either show attractiveness or outgoing behavior of the person or the exact opposite as a creep.  In context of the entertainment I mentioned in the beginning, they are usually perceived as silly, creepy, and weird by the people in public.  The people watching from their television however might have a different reaction because they are at a whole different distance than those people.  It makes you wonder if I were in the same situation as the person first hand experiencing it, would I have the same reaction?  According to Burgoon, probably not.  Distance matters. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Standpoint Theory

     "Try to place yourself in their shoes."
      I try to approach this statement often to my life to be able to relate with whomever I am communicating with.  It helps me avoid judging the person and leaving them without someone to understand them.  Communication, I believe is not fulfilled without some sort of understanding from both sides.  It may not be the result either one or both may want, but at least someone altered their standpoint a bit to fulfill this understanding.  On the other hand, standpoints help us communicate.  The Standpoint Theory of Sandra Harding and Julia T. Wood looks into the fact that everyone has a different standpoint that affects their world view.  At first this theory seems self explanatory, but after participating in the privilege walk exam, I realized in a deeper sense what this theory presents.
     The Privilege Walk works at explaining this standpoint theory.  In this game, beginning in one line altogether, people either step forward or backward depending on what the statement says.  For example, if you have had over 50 books in your house, take a step forward or if one of your parents have been laid off from a job, take a step backward.  At the end of this game, I ended in the back.  At the same time though, I felt grateful for how I was raised because I worked to get where I am.  I realized that I started in this one standpoint that was equal with everyone, but after events in my life, I take a different standpoint.  On the other hand, this does not mean I am going to communicate with someone differently; I'll just be able to form a better understanding.  

Socio-cultural Tradition

     My name is Karen Webber. I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, a place I would like to  proudly call the Mile High.  I am proud of the Mile High because it represents so much more of myself.  It captures my love for the city, the sports teams, the mountains, and even the altitude-5280 feet above sea level.  The altitude? That's quite odd.  Well, this high altitude helps us have strong lungs.  From experience and other people's stories, people who are not originally from Denver and come here to visit or move have a hard time breathing here for the first few days due to high altitude depending on exactly where they come from.  I find it pretty amazing that I do not have to worry about that as much.  I am not trying to sound selfish, but I just appreciate the benefits Denver has to offer.  On the other hand, this is just my perception of my culture.  I used this specific language to describe what the Mile High means to me.  If I were to tell someone else that I am from the Mile High, different perspectives can come into play.  Funny enough, I chose the term Mile High to tell someone where I am from.  The simple change of words to represent the same area can influence someone's perception of Denver.  This example of the power of language belongs to the socio-cultural tradition, one of the traditions given within the field of communication theory.  
     Once again, I am from the Mile High.  One person can vision me in the mountains; another one can see me in a Denver Broncos jersey while another might think of the marijuana legalization.  No matter the perception, it was my use of language and their interpretation that creates our form of communication.  I defined the socio-cultural tradition as the different perspectives one might receive from a simple word or phrase someone says.  Of course, depending on the context, views might change, but something as simple as where someone is from can influence a variety of perceptions.  I say I am from the Mile High, and it automatically communicates certain things about my culture that even I do not exactly intend.  Although it is a form of judgment, it is not entirely bad; it's part of the everyday communication.  Before I conclude my opinion on this theory and how I was able to connect it to my daily life, I leave you with this meme I found. Enjoy. :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Muted Group Theory

     When defining the term, "communication", the words "talking" and "messaging"  come to mind.  Communication builds from a relational process that in turn brings people together or even apart depending on the situation.  I tried to build my definition of communication not only from the talkative standpoint, but also to those who do not use their voice to communicate.  With this on mind, it made it more difficult for me to create an answer to what is communication.  I ended up defining communication as "a natural and relational process giving and receiving interpretation dependent on the ever changing dynamics of the world".  Although I was uncertain if I completely included the anti-socials and voiceless in this definition, the muted group theory connected the way communication works with those who are constrained.  Thus, this theory helped me establish why my definition works and how society works in a muted sense of communication.
     Before going into depth about my connection with my view on communication and the muted group theory, what exactly is this muted group theory?  The muted group theory created by Cheris Kramarae focuses on removing her idea that language is a MAN-made construction.  She relates this theory to the roles between men and women in society.  Her underlying assumptions then indicated how women have to change their form of communication to live up to this "manly standard" of society.  For example, women cannot simply talk to a group of guys about their day without including some sports or action film reference unless she wants to be ignored.  In a sense, I agree with this assumption but also it seems a bit unfair that men are in a way also downgraded by this theory.  She focuses so much on the lack of women's roles that the men are placed in an evil and controlling state. Ironically then she mutes out the perspective of men within her own muted group theory.  Of course, the level of equality between man and woman is not entirely at par; better examples could have included to elaborate on this theory are janitors and transgenders. 
     Personally, I enjoyed this theory thoroughly from explaining communication through those who are voiceless in a sense.  As a major focus in defining what communication means to me, it becomes a relational process because through lack of relationship, one knows what to say and do along with what not to say and do formed from their interpretation.  Nevertheless, it may be lacking, but it is still relational and a form of communication.  Think about it this way.  In the image, this woman lacks communication verbally, but her eyes tell so much more.  She is communicating.  The muted group may be restrained from being able to tell their perspective, but there are many other ways to communicate what needs to be said.  Those glaring and somewhat helpless eyes already send a message out, thus communicating through an image taken in this dynamic world.