Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life Is A Social Drama

When talking and discussing in class the concept and theory of assumption #2 involved within Dramatism, Life is social drama, I came to the thought that we were going to be discussing and exploring the fact that this world is full of not so much drama but the fact of how people communicate with one another, and that is how one another create drama. Man, was I thoroughly incorrect. The truth is, that us humans create certain motions and motives that act upon another relation and that is how the drama is created within one another. 
One can tell from another;s actions what they are feeling. For example, if you notice someone walking and talking on their phone, but you notice that they have an angry or upset face and their voice moves from angry to upset to angry agin than one can conclude that that person is upset with the other through the phone. 
The example that was used in class, and that we kind of "directed" was the Columbine shooting. This event happened when I was much younger, so in the beginning I only knew basics such as, two high schoolers went into their school and shot many many innocent people just out of hate. After looking at this scene and tragedy closer, I came to realize that, the signs that Eric and Dylan were showing were quit visible to their class mates and yet not one person had the guts or the courage to go up and talk to them or may be stop bullying them. 
There were five terms that were examined through out the class that was included within the discussion as well, and that is; the act, the scene, the agent, the agency and the purpose. Straight off of the bat, everyone thinks that they know the answers to each of these terms connecting to the Columbine shooting. As did I, until I was proven wrong yet again. The act is, they broke glass, shot people, lighted flares. So, the act is more general within the actions that one was creating through out the scene. The scene is a high school, or Columbine High School. It was clearly stated within the short video that we watched in class, that they were currently at Columbine High School. The agent is the fact that in the film many of the students that were speaking about he tragedy after it had happened, they stated the shooters as, "different" and the fact that they wore "trench coats" brings up more signs of who the shooters were and how one dressed for an everyday day at school. The agency is weaponry and/or guns. The students speaking in the video said that they were hearing gun shots through out the halls so that shows us as the audience that the shooters were using guns as their weapons. And last but not least, the purpose was that there was none. Unfortunately, Eric and Dylan went into school that day wanting to shoot up the school just out of complete and utter hate of others. We would hope that there would have been a better purpose for all of this nonsense but unfortunately, Eric and Dylan were just mad at done with the people that were not only bullying them but that were ignoring them as human beings. 
After exploring and looking more into depth about a past tragedy that I  thought I knew all about, I came to find that even though that Life is a social drama is only one underlying definition within three, I believe that this is one of the bigger and more important underlying because it shows us as humans and as one another how our society acts and it really does open our eyes to what we see in our daily lives and wonder if there is anything that we can do to change anything. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that when I read life as a social drama, I found it misleading and more of a situational form of communication. On the other hand, through the example of the Columbine Shooting, I understood the meaning behind this. I believe that this tragedy was more unorganized and exaggerated because a school shooting known worldwide was one of its first. I remember teachers trying to protect me and the rest of my classmates because well, a lockdown was not exactly practiced yet. Yes, I was about 4 years old when this event happened about the same age you were. Unfortunately though, it makes even the news not as trustworthy because it seems they want to implement this life as a social drama. It's true that in our daily conversations, we are capable of exaggerating what is said to create this social drama; it's another form of communication that is everywhere.
