
Com 380: Communication Questions, Contexts And Theory
Abbreviated Course Syllabus

Course Description
Com 380: Questions, Contexts and Theory examines ways that communication constitutes social life and introduces several important theories of meaning-making for dialogic consideration. We explore interpersonal relationships, the intersections of language, gender, culture and power, and the dynamics of mass media and society. We view communication as a process, and meaning as contextual. We discuss the field of communication and the ways the field is constituted by theoretical perspectives. We apply theory to everyday life and learn to converse using the discourse common to the field.

Required Texts

Course Assignments
  • Partner Projects (1 @ 10 pts. & 1 @ 15 pts.; Total 25 pts.) Each student will participate in two pair projects based on two different theories. These projects are designed to increase your understanding of particular theories through activities and a companion report. The two projects are as follows:
    • Theory Video - This video should illustrate the overall scope of a theory as well as the concepts that are attributed to it. Creativity, research about the theory, and a thorough understanding of it are essential to make a video that adequately captures the tenants of the theory. For this assignment, you and your partner will have to: 1) speak with me about your video idea prior to creation, 2) do research about the theory to expand your understanding of it, and 3) write a 3-4 page paper to accompany the video. The paper will have to include and explanation of the theory, a discussion of how different scenes in the video reflect the important concepts of the theory, and a reflection on how the process of creating the video impacted and/or changed your understanding of the theory. The video must be posted to the class blog with an accompanying post about it which will count as a blog post for each member of the pair. 
    • Theory Presentation & Activity  Pairs will be given a theory that they must teach to the class through both a presentation & activity. Pairs will be given a half day (1.5 hours) to lead the class for this project. The in-class component should include a prezi presentation about the theory and an activity that will help our classmates understand some of the basic concepts from the theory. Your group’s job will be to create a classroom activity to demonstrate the basic tenants of the theory and show how it functions in our daily lives. The written report will be approximately 4-5 pages and will include: 1) an overview of the theory; 2) an explanation of how the activity exemplifies some of the main ideas underlying the theory; and 3) a reflection & critique of the theory.

  • Tradition Model & Mini Presentation (5 pts. each)Each student will have to build a model using the craft supplies I bring to class of one of the seven traditions of communication. This project will be begin on Wednesday, May 28th and students will give 5-7 minute presentation on the tradition as well as a well thought-out and scripted explanation about how the model represents the tradition. This presentation should be typed (approximately 2-3 pages) and handed in with the model on Thursday, May 29th.

  • Blog Posts & Responses (6 posts @ 2.5 pts. each & 5 responses @ 1 pt. each; Total 20 pts.) You will have to create at least 6 blog posts that will address different communication theories and respond to 5 different posts. Compose a blog entry (2-4 paragraphs) in which you respond to the reading by applying one of the theory's key concepts or a set of concepts to a real-world experience, current event, or other phenomenon. These posts will be like application logs that focus on a specific theory and how you see it function in everyday life. Abbreviated examples of Application Log entries appear on the textbook website, here. One of your 6 blog posts will be your post of the Theory Video your make with your partner. Students can do up to 3 additional posts for one point each. 

  • Reflective Essay (10 pts) This essay is meant to provoke reflection about Paul Watzlawick’s theory, The Interactional View. In this essay, you will reflect on how this theory helps you understand a relational system in your life (i.e., family, friends, team, work, etc.).

  • Big Scary Tests (3 @ 10 pts each; Total 30 pts.) – There are three scheduled Take-Home tests due on each Friday (5/30, 6/6, & 6/13). You will receive the test the day before (i.e., Thursdays).  

  • Participation & Attendance (10 pts) “Participation” is defined here as “Notable preparation”; “Regular, mature and meaningful contribution to small group and whole-class discussions”, and “Conveying a considerate, engaged, positive attitude.” If you cannot bring yourself to comment in class, but consider yourself to be an otherwise good student, you must find ways to let me know that you are engaged and participating. If I can’t see or hear your contribution, I do not think that you are contributing much! Don’t sit back and pretend to be an audience member instead of a participant. You’re taking up physical and psychical space in an interactive process that is continually, mutually redefined and refined by those present. If my expectation of audible, visible, meaningful participation distresses you for some reason, come see me.

Course Schedule 
Discussion Topics
Reading & Assignments Due
Introduction to Course
·   Syllabus
·   Chapter 1

Communication Theory as a Field
·   Chapter 2 & 4
·   Definition of Communication Due

Modeling the Traditions 

·   Chapters 14
·   Models of Traditions Reflections Due


·   Chapters  5 & 7
·   Take-Home Test #1 Due

Relational Dialectics & Meetings about Theory Videos

·   Chapters 12

·   Chapter 23
Narrative Paradigm & Group Work
·   Chapter 24 

Cultural Studies & Group Work
·   Chapter 27


·   Chapter 25
·   Theory Videos Due over the Weekend & Reports Due on Monday


·   Chapter 33
Standpoint Theory & Bringing it all Together

·   Chapters 35 & 37
·   Reflection Essay Due
Group Work Day - Preparing for the Final Presentation

Group Presentations Day
·   Take-Home Test #2 & 3 combined Due on Sunday

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